Farm fresh eggs in Twin Falls County

Fresh eggs in a variety of colors and sizes: medium (few), large, and extra large! These eggs come from our variety of chickens:

Buff Orpington, Barred Plymouth Rock, Silver-laced Wyandotte, Golden sex-link, Black Copper Maran, Blue Andalusian, Bielefelder.

And our girls are healthy, happy, regular layers. They’re in a large run and coop, but not free range for biosecurity reasons (mink farm nearby).
We're in Filer, but can deliver anywhere in Twin Falls County.

Type of Flock:
Free Range
Small Flock
Organic Feed
Pickup Location: I will provide the precise pickup location after an order is placed
Size of Flock: 20 to 35 Hens
Maximum Order Size: 10 Dozen

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