Delicious Eggs, Naturally

Our hens are hard at work on pasture every day, scavenging and basking in the sun to bring you the highest quality eggs possible. They're fed 100% organic feed for optimal health and the pasture they roam is managed in accordance with organic practices. We have a few heritage breeds as well as a newer hybrid breed that does really well in our system.
Eggs are available 365 days/yr in the green shipping container in our yard. Cash, check, and Venmo accepted.

Warning: You probably won't want to settle for eggs from the grocery store after you've tasted ours.

Pickup Location: The precise pickup location is visible in my listing description
Size of Flock: Over 35 Hens
Maximum Order Size: No Maximum (I have a lot of eggs!)
Type of Flock:
Free Range
Small Flock
Organic Feed

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